
Water - Like Liquid Gold But Much Cheaper

Getting Your Feet Wet
H20. It is a simple chemical compound formula yet this substance – commonly known as water – is vital to life on this planet. Over 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered in the stuff and our bodies are made up of approximately the same percentage. It vaporizes at 100 Celsius and freezes at zero Celsius. Pockets have been found on the Moon and on Mars leading scientists to speculate about the possibility of colonizing other worlds in future if only it were possible to harness these vital life supplies. Europa, one of the largest moons of Jupiter, is a ball of ice with liquid oceans beneath its frozen surface and many more moons are strongly believed to have a large water supply.

It is highly important to many religions and cultures. Holy water is used to baptist Christians and Jews. Hindus bathe in the holy River Ganges every year. Ancient Egyptian society was built on the veneration of Isis and the life-giving properties of the Nile. Most of the ancient civilizations had a water cult or gods based around waterways: Sulis, Minerva, Neptune, Chalchiuhtlicue, Sequana and many more.

The Cycle of Life
It isn’t just a symbolic thing. Water in its liquid state permits replication of most life forms. If it isn’t the spontaneous cell division of single-cell organisms (or those with only a few cells) then it is amphibians relying on stagnant or fresh pools of water to lay their eggs or spawn. Fish live in it and will die when removed from it for any length of time. Though ocean-based mammals such as whales and dolphins need to come up for air because they still have lungs, this isn’t necessary for fish. For plant based life, it is vital for photosynthesis which is why you need to keep your plants sufficiently watered at all times.

We have always harnessed it for industry: in the processes of smelting and forging, in grinding flour for our bread, to provide and control food supplies and since the Industrial Revolution we have used our great bodies of water as methods of disposing of our waste material. Though most of the civilized world has legislation to restrict and reduce pollution of our waterways, some argue that it has not gone far enough and businesses need to be encouraged to act more responsibly.

Triumph of the Otter
There are many success stories environmentalist fight and there is no better example of the triumph of conservation than the otter. Since the 1980s, a deliberate drive to improve the waterways of England and make them safe for all forms of life has seen the return of one of the most celebrated icons of the English countryside.

Through banning use of certain pesticides and enacting legislation to make businesses deal with their pollution responsibly, people in the UK are celebrating and enjoying their rivers and canals once more. This is not an isolated case though and sadly, there are species all over the world that are being affected by pollution and the wanton dumping of raw sewage. The truth is, it is now easy and inexpensive for businesses to act responsibly in installing sewage processing systems for the treatment of industrial waste water. Such systems are not just good for the environment, but beneficial for the health of employees too. Finally, we are using a lot of water in our day to day lives and these systems can help businesses reduce their carbon footprint and overall clean water consumption

Water is important not just to our survival, but to the survival of the species of our planet. That is why it is vital that we do our best to keep our waterways as clean as possible to prevent diseases or poisoning the planet.

Sally Dimmock has a compulsion to continue to learn about the world around us and she never fails to feel astounded at the importance of water. We must keep our supply clean so if you need Biological Sewage Treatment check out one of the many services available

Help Learning how to Fly Fish from Someone

I'm trying to learn how to fly fish and I'm looking for someone to teach me around the Maryland State area. Some of my friends told me that I could just learn by reading some books but I think if I had a personal trainer help me it would go a lot faster because I have limited time. Has anybody had any expertise in this or learning how to fly fish on the wrong? I need some help.


#There's a really good learning guide out there and it's actually a book it's called learning how to fly fish for dummies. It's part of the section of the dummies and how to do things so it's going to be very helpful for you. I actually taught myself how to fly fish a couple years ago because I was going on a company retreat and we were going fly fishing and I know idea how to do it.

#What I actually did was I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube on how to do it for free. You would be amazed how fast a person can learn something when you're watching a video because it's just a better demonstration media platform. Long story short I learned how to fly fish and I'm actually pretty good at it now and I bring my son out and I teach him from what I learned on the videos. I don't go around telling all my buddies that I learned it online because that would be kind of silly but it's actually completely true.

#Just go around at your work or something and ask some people if they know how to fly fish because chances are someone knows and it's really easy to just teach you. Set of actually paying someone to train you that's going to cost a couple hundred dollars I would just have when your friends at work teaching because it's not actually not hard. I'm sure you'll figure it out though because it doesn't take that much and if you know how to move fish regular it even makes it easier.